Bar-U-Eat pioneers compostable packaging

Bar-U-Eat has officially released its new Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) Certified Compostable Packaging for its individually wrapped bars. With this release, it has become the first bar company in the world to offer packaging which carries the certification for the entire package — a move that ensures that its packaging will break down properly in commercial compost systems and not contaminate the environment. It also steps leaps beyond the industry standard of single use plastics.

The new packaging is composed of plant-based materials from FSC Certified sustainably managed forests. It additionally complies with the specifications established in the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D6400 to be aerobically composted and is biodegradable.

Every year over 2 billion pre-packaged snack, protein, and energy bars are consumed, almost all of which come in single use plastics or multi-layered wrappers. This creates millions of pounds of waste from a non-renewable, non-biodegradable resource. Bar-U-Eat’s new packaging being made from renewable, sustainably sourced materials can break down to become nutrient rich soil. This type of packaging is at the forefront of where sustainable packaging technology is headed and where it needs to go to combat waste and the use of finite resources. In fact, Bar-U-Eat is a full 10 years ahead of the curve and is already compliant with California’s SB 54 legislation which requires all packaging in the state to be third party verified recyclable or compostable by 2032.

Bar-U-Eat’s longstanding mission is to change the way we think about the food that we eat and how it’s packaged. They believe that packaged food should be simple and free of oils and preservatives and be packaged in a way that is less wasteful and regenerative to our planet. With BAR-U-EAT’s new plant-based packaging, the wrapper your food comes will now become food for our planet.

Bar-U-Eat strives to create the most energy dense, healthy, delicious, and sustainable snacks on the planet to fuel anything that life may throw at you.

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