Alcoholic pastilles and more

Having reached its crowd funding target at the end of last week, alcoholic explorer Smith & Sinclair is inviting the curious and adventurous to jump down the rabbit hole and embark on a multi-sensorial journey, exploring cocktails like never before.


MD raises funds

Managing director, Justin Thomas, of licensed character confectionery company Bon Bon Buddies, has raised a total of £14,632.80 for Tŷ Hafan.


Ten Acre celebrates

After only the first time of entering, the celebrations have been going on in Ten Acre village this week – and see no sign of abating! Yumsh Snacks, the creator of the brand Ten Acre, bagged its first crisps and popped its first popcorn flavours in 2014.

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Ice cream sandwiches

American fast food restaurant Carl’s Jr. has launched the Hostess Ding Dong Ice Cream Sandwich, a chocolaty snack cake split in two and sandwiched around a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Walkers and Shaun The Sheep

Walkers Shortbread, bakers of The World’s Finest Shortbread, has partnered with Aardman’s Shaun In The City, a public art trail that is being hosted across London and Bristol in the UK this summer. With 120 sculptured models of the internationally renowned character Shaun The Sheep placed across these vibrant cities; artists, designers, celebrities and Walkers […]


All natural snickerdoodles

Lenny and Larry’s, a Californian manufacturer of all-natural, high protein snacks, is launching a Snickerdoodle Complete Cookie. The cinnamon cookie is vegan and non-GMO, and provides 16g of protein and 6g of fibre. It has zero cholesterol, no eggs, no dairy and nothing artificial. “Think Grandma’s cookies…the wonderful aroma of a fresh baked sugar cookie […]


Sweets & Savoury Snacks World