YumEarth and Solely offer free-from and better-for-you Halloween treats

As the spooky season reaches its peak around the world, two US confectionery brands, YumEarth and Solely have been making waves with creating free-from dietary offerings, including better-for-you product lines, reports Neill Barston.

Notably, the issue of allergies has grown in recent years for many families, which has left some trick or treaters with a considerable challenge of what terrifyingly tasty treats are suitable for their requirements.

Significantly, as the National Confectioners Association (NCA) has noted, American confectionery sales topped $6.4 billion in 2023, with an increase of 3-5% in the region anticipated, with demand for free-from ranges continue to show an upturn.

For its part, YumEarth will be helping Halloween partygoers on 31 October celebrate with its confectionery reportedly free from the top nine allergens, non-GMO, as well as being made with simple ingredients. For this season, its lineup features the new Sour Littles alongside fan favourites like Organic Pops, Gummy Fruits, and Giggles – perfect for trick-or-treaters with diverse dietary needs. The brand is widely available at Target and yumearth.com.

Meanwhile, Solely Organic has also revealed its Whole Fruit Gummies, which are packed with whole organic fruit. Its flavour range includes Mango, Mango & Guava, Mango & Orange, and Mango & Passionfruit in 5-pouch packs, these gummy snacks are on Amazon, Solely.com and in major retail stores such as Target and CVS.

Major traditions

As the NCA has noted, the wider trend of trick or treating has gone from strength to strength, and stands as an American tradition that was popularised in the 1950s by the Baby Boomer generation.

Its roots, however, stem from 9th and 10th century Gaelic Ireland and other Celtic regions where disguises were worn to hide from spirits passing from one world to the next on All Hallows’ Eve.

The organisation encouraged families to consider inventive ways to celebrate the season including reverse Trick-or-Treating, to leaving your neighbours a spooky surprise.

In terms of wider tips, the group noted that all those seasonal candy treats gathered this month can actually last a lot longer than you might imagine – If stored correctly, your Halloween candy can last up to 6 to 12 months.  Learn shelf-life and storage suggestions on how to maximise your pile so it stays as fresh as it does the day you got it.

While the organisation noted that 94% of people will be enjoying confectionery treats this year, it advocated its ‘always a treat’ message of responsible enjoyment, with Halloween candy often containing higher levels of calories, so families should be aware not to load up too much in their Halloween buckets.

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