The world’s first pasta savoury snack

Italian food is the most popular foreign food in the UK, above Chinese, French and Indian. 47% of British households eat pasta, and now Pastinos brings true convenience to this popular and growing sector. Pastinos is made from 100% pasta and is fried and seasoned with a range of Italian flavours totally new to the […]

Speciality Chocolate goes live

As the demand for fine quality and artisan chocolate continues to grow, the UK’s Speciality Chocolate Fair returns this year at Speciality & Fine Food Fair 2011 for the fourth time – now with Speciality Chocolate Live.


Oloves launches new flavours

Two new flavours of healthy olive snack Oloves are being unveiled this summer. Lemony Lover and Hot Chilli Mama are being launched to complement the Tasty Mediterranean and Light Hearted Vinaigrette flavours already available.


Sweets & Savoury Snacks World